Critical Care Medicine
The medical professionals at Medical Center Enterprise provide 24-hour monitoring and acute care for critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Patients have access to specialists in a range of disciplines who utilize advanced equipment and technology to provide quality care.
We understand that having a family member or loved one in the ICU can be difficult - that's why critical care team members are dedicated to keeping you informed and answering your questions.
Visiting Hours
- Visitors are restricted to immediate family members only.
- Visitors should check with the staff prior to visiting.
- Visitors for each patient are limited to two people at a time.
- Visitors must be 12 years of age or older. Special requests for younger visitors will be considered in situations regarding terminal illnesses.
- Visiting hours are 10 minutes each hour between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
- Infectious diseases can delay recovery. If you feel you are contagious, please inform the nurse.
Personal Belongings
Due to limited space in each patient room, a patient's personal belongings, such as clothing, medication and valuables, should be taken home. Medications from home can only be administered by the ICU nurse with a physician's order. Live flowers are not allowed in patient rooms; however, small artificial arrangements, balloons and cards are allowed.
Family Representation
Good communication between staff and a patient's family is essential to the patient's well being. It's helpful if each family selects one individual who will act as the family representative. This person will be the primary contact for physicians and nursing staff and will share information between the staff and the family. Friends and family not able to visit the patient will benefit from having one individual to contact.
If the patient has a written advance directive, then the individual indicated as health care power of attorney should preferably serve as the family representative.
For more information or to check visiting hours, please call:
(334) 347-0584 ext. 8260